If you’re 40 or over, you know the routine: To read something, you have to hold it farther away than normal, or reach for reading glasses. This is caused by presbyopia, a condition that is almost universal as we get older. The lens in the eye loses its ability to adjust as we age, resulting in loss of near vision.
But now there’s a procedure that can restore near vision, and The Reeves Eye Institute is introducing it to the Tri-Cities.
It’s called the KAMRA Lens Inlay. Using a laser procedure, Dr. Donny Reeves inserts a special lens into one eye that helps the eye focus light onto the retina. This restores near vision, without affecting the ability to see at a distance.
“With the KAMRA Lens Inlay, you are able to see up close again,” said Dr. Reeves. “Read text messages, a computer screen, or the time on your watch, without having to fumble around for your readers. For many people, reading glasses can be a big annoyance, and the KAMRA Lens Inlay can greatly reduce or eliminate the need for reading glasses.”
The KAMRA Lens Inlay procedure has been used successfully in Europe for many years and has just been approved by the FDA for the United States. The Reeves Eye Institute is the first practice in the Tri-Cities to offer KAMRA.
“The KAMRA Lens Inlay is ideal for active people who also need to see close objects, or people whose professions require close work where glasses aren’t always practical,” said Dr. Reeves. “It is important to understand there may be times when additional magnification is needed for small print, to see in dim light, or to perform a near task for an extended period of time.”
For people who want to learn more about the KAMRA Lens Inlay, Dr. Reeves is hosting a free seminar at his offices at 2328 Knob Creek, Suite 506 in Johnson City on Thursday, October 29, at 6pm. To make a reservation or learn more about the KAMRA Lens Inlay, visit www.reeveseyeinstitute.com or call 423-722-1311.