Early detection through an exam in our Johnson City clinic by expert surgeon Dr. Reeves can determine the presence and the extent of a cataract. When symptoms first appear, your doctor may be able to temporarily alleviate the effects of cataracts and improve your vision by prescribing glasses, strong bifocals, or other visual aids. However, cataracts may continue to advance leaving surgery as the only option to restore your good vision.
Cataract surgery is performed when your quality of vision affects your quality of life. When you are unable to enjoy daily routine activities such as working, driving, reading, hobbies, etc because of cataracts, you should consider cataract surgery. Dr. Donny Reeves will help you make that decision.
Preparing for Cataract Surgery
What are Cataracts?
A cataract is the hardening or opacification of the eyes natural crystalline lens causing vision problems. Vision with cataracts is often cloudy, colors become dull and driving at night is very difficult. Cataract development is typically related to aging. Cataracts are very common in older people. By age 80, more than half of all Americans either have some degree of cataract or have already undergone cataract surgery in one or both eyes. By age 95, this percentage increases to almost 100%. A cataract can occur in either or both eyes. Individuals with a cataract in one eye usually go on to develop a cataract in the other eye as well.
What are the Symptoms of Cataracts?
Once you and your eye doctor have decided that you will have your cataract removed, the eye surgeon will examine you. For the immediate time period before and after cataract surgery, ask your surgeon if you should continue your usual medications and nutritional supplements.
As an example, a common drug that treats men with enlarged prostates — Flomax and similar medications known as alpha-blockers — could cause problems associated with intraoperative floppy iris syndrome (IFIS) during cataract surgery. Patients on Flomax or similar medications should notify their eye surgeon before undergoing cataract surgery.

You may be given a choice of implantation with a regular single-vision (monofocal) intraocular lens or a presbyopia-correcting intraocular lens for replacement of your eye’s natural lens.
Determining the right IOL for you can be based on many factors, including your lifestyle and ability to pay. If you are interested in correcting presbyopia, which all people have beginning at around age 40, you potentially could restore your ability to see at all distances with a multifocal IOL or accommodating IOL.
However, you must consider that extra cataract surgery costs do occur with “premium” IOLs, even though they may reduce or eliminate dependency on eyeglasses.
Before cataract surgery, your eye will be thoroughly measured in a preliminary eye exam to determine the proper power of the intraocular lens that will be placed in your eye. If you choose a premium IOL, you may need extra tests to make sure measurements are exact and that you don’t have other vision problems that might hamper the performance of the IOL.
If you need cataracts removed from both eyes, surgery usually will be done on only one eye at a time. An uncomplicated surgical procedure lasts only about 10 minutes. However, you may be in the outpatient facility for 90 minutes or longer, because extra time will be needed for preparation and recovery.
At least a few days to weeks typically will be needed between surgeries, so that your first eye has the chance to heal and be evaluated in a follow-up exam for any possible problems.
What Happens During Cataract Surgery?
Cataract surgery usually is done on an outpatient basis. You may be asked to skip breakfast and avoid drinking liquids, depending on the time of your surgery. Also, do not wear eye makeup on the day of surgery. Upon arrival at the facility, you will be given eye drops to dilate your pupils and perhaps a sedative to help you relax. A local or topical anesthetic will make the operation painless.
Although the basic postoperative instructions are similar among most eye surgeons, each surgeon may have specific recovery instructions depending on the outcome of your surgery. Always follow your surgeon’s specific instructions, which you will receive prior to your discharge from the outpatient facility.
What Results Should I Expect from Cataract Surgery?
A comprehensive study reported in Archives of Ophthalmology in 1994 noted that 95.5 percent of healthy eyes achieved 20/40 uncorrected vision (legally acceptable for driving) or better outcomes following cataract surgery. Of the more than 17,000 eyes evaluated, fewer than 2 percent had sight-threatening complications.
Bruising or a black eye can result from cataract surgery if an injection is used to numb the eye.
Remember that sight-threatening complications often are associated with individuals who are much older or who already have poor underlying health affecting how their eyes heal. Also, some people have complications because their cataracts are far more advanced or “hardened” at the time of surgery, making them difficult to remove.
A Swedish study published in the British Journal of Ophthalmology in November 1999 found that self-reported outcomes among people who had undergone cataract surgery were less satisfactory when other eye problems were present. Younger people undergoing cataract surgery reported the highest satisfaction levels.
The British journal also reported study results in December 2000 indicating that people in their 60s undergoing cataract surgery were 4.6 percent more likely to achieve 20/40 uncorrected vision or better than people in their 80s.